L.A. Crossing
»L.A. Crossing« is a series of photographs taken since 2010 as part of the La Brea Matrix project in Los Angeles. »La Brea, Stephen Shore‘s key photograph of 1975, constitutes the conceptual core of the La Brea Matrix Project. Shore´s photograph taken at the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in 1975 has become part of the collective memory of photography. For the La Brea Matrix Project six art photographers from Germany have accepted an invitation to Los Angeles as part of an artist-in-residence program to search for photographic points of reference to this iconic picture.«
»Jens Liebchen decided to photograph Los Angeles from the perspective of a riding car - thus showing the city in the way it is commonly experienced by most of its residents. He drove around the city for thousands of kilometres in order to observe the outside world from a driver´s privileged point of view, and by limiting his perspective he discovered a hidden side to the city. His hyper-real colour photographs show homeless people, isolated pedestrians and people waiting for the bus in front of anonymous facades. »His images reveal a haunting setting. It´s a ghost-like curtain you´d rather not look behind«, Freddy Langer recently wrote about Liebchen´s photo series. »DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION«, a traffic sign declares somewhere – there´s probably no more succinct way of capturing the photographer´s sociological observations than that.« Christoph Schaden, in FOAM international photography magazine, # 25Consult book version